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“遙望沙灘上的晨曦, 我在想世界是如何的美麗. 它的震撼是超越言諭與書寫的語言. 視覺的語言對人類是如何的強大與具啟發性. 怎樣使用視覺的體驗來傳達予人是推動我探索視覺藝術這個領域的原動力. 踏入2010年, 我決定多年在英國, 亞洲區與中國大陸廣告與媒體行業的商旅生涯之後, 回到香港這個老家. 我想香港是在中國地區内發展視覺藝術很好的一個地方.

雖然我們處身在全球化所影響下的挑戰與高度不穩定的狀况, 我仍然喜歡當下這片時刻.”



Artist Statement

“Looking at the morning heaven at the beach, I was thinking how beautiful the world was. Its impact to people was far above any spoken and written languages. Visual language is so powerful and inspiring to people. How to make use of the visual experience to communicate an idea to people is the driver for me to explore the exciting area of visual arts. Entering into 2010s, I decided to settle down in Hong Kong, my home town, and stayed with my families after years of business travelling in U.K., Asia region and mainland China working in the Advertising and media industry. I did think Hong Kong was a very good place for developing Visual Arts in the China region.

Although we are in the era of challenge with highly unstable conditions on a global basis, I still like the present moment.”


Sam Lam





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